Read an *all_jxs.tsv or *jxs.tsv file created by bam_to_junctions() or manually by the user using Megadepth. The rows of a *jxs.tsv can have either 7 or 14 columns, which can lead to warnings when reading in - these are safe to ignore. For details on the format of the input TSV file, check




A character(1) specifying the path to the tab-separated (TSV) file created manually using megadepth_shell() or on a previous bam_to_junctions() run.


A tibble::tibble() with the junction data that follows the format specified at


## Install if necessary
#> The latest megadepth version is 1.2.0
#> This is not an interactive session, therefore megadepth has been installed temporarily to 
#> /tmp/RtmpK16vxZ/megadepth

## Find the example BAM file
example_bam <- system.file("tests", "test.bam",
    package = "megadepth", mustWork = TRUE

## Run bam_to_junctions()
example_jxs <- bam_to_junctions(example_bam, overwrite = TRUE)

## Read the junctions in as a tibble
all_jxs <- read_junction_table(example_jxs[["all_jxs.tsv"]])

#> # A tibble: 35 × 7
#>    read_name chr     start     end mapping_strand cigar         unique
#>    <chr>     <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>          <chr>          <int>
#>  1 26573693  chr10 4358579 4581019 -              61M222441N11M      0
#>  2 59413733  chr10 8458623 8778558 +              13M319936N59M      0
#>  3 63502504  chr10 8722315 8848720 -              50M126406N22M      1
#>  4 15130473  chr10 8722508 8870679 -              61M148172N11M      1
#>  5 22331161  chr10 8756762 8780518 -              62M23757N10M       1
#>  6 37510913  chr10 8756762 8780518 -              62M23757N10M       1
#>  7 38798461  chr10 8756762 8780518 -              62M23757N10M       1
#>  8 62329988  chr10 8756762 8780518 -              62M23757N10M       1
#>  9 66789502  chr10 8756762 8780518 -              62M23757N10M       1
#> 10 78396176  chr10 8756762 8780518 -              62M23757N10M       1
#> # ℹ 25 more rows