This function visualizes the clusters for a set of samples at the spot-level using (by default) the histology information on the background. To visualize gene-level (or any continuous variable) use vis_grid_gene().

  sort_clust = TRUE,
  colors = NULL,
  return_plots = FALSE,
  spatial = TRUE,
  height = 24,
  width = 36,
  image_id = "lowres",
  alpha = NA,
  sample_order = unique(spe$sample_id),
  point_size = 2,
  auto_crop = TRUE,
  na_color = "#CCCCCC40",



Defaults to the output of fetch_data(type = 'spe'). This is a SpatialExperiment-class object with the spot-level Visium data and information required for visualizing the histology. See fetch_data() for more details.


A character(1) with the name of the colData(spe) column that has the cluster values.


A character(1) specifying the path for the resulting PDF.


A logical(1) indicating whether you want to sort the clusters by frequency using sort_clusters().


A vector of colors to use for visualizing the clusters from clustervar. If the vector has names, then those should match the values of clustervar.


A logical(1) indicating whether to print the plots to a PDF or to return the list of plots that you can then print using plot_grid.


A logical(1) indicating whether to include the histology layer from geom_spatial(). If you plan to use ggplotly() then it's best to set this to FALSE.


A numeric(1) passed to pdf.


A numeric(1) passed to pdf.


A character(1) with the name of the image ID you want to use in the background.


A numeric(1) in the [0, 1] range that specifies the transparency level of the data on the spots.


A character() with the names of the samples to use and their order.


A numeric(1) specifying the size of the points. Defaults to 1.25. Some colors look better if you use 2 for instance.


A logical(1) indicating whether to automatically crop the image / plotting area, which is useful if the Visium capture area is not centered on the image and if the image is not a square.


A character(1) specifying a color for the NA values. If you set alpha = NA then it's best to set na_color to a color that has alpha blending already, which will make non-NA values pop up more and the NA values will show with a lighter color. This behavior is lost when alpha is set to a non-NA value.


Passed to paste0() for making the title of the plot following the sampleid.


A list of ggplot2 objects.


This function prepares the data and then loops through vis_clus() for computing the list of ggplot2 objects.

See also

Other Spatial cluster visualization functions: frame_limits(), vis_clus(), vis_clus_p()


if (enough_ram()) {
    ## Obtain the necessary data
    if (!exists("spe")) spe <- fetch_data("spe")

    ## Subset to two samples of interest and obtain the plot list
    p_list <-
            spe[, spe$sample_id %in% c("151673", "151674")],
            spatial = FALSE,
            return_plots = TRUE,
            sort_clust = FALSE,
            colors = libd_layer_colors

    ## Visualize the spatial adjacent replicates for position = 0 micro meters
    ## for subject 3
    cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = p_list, ncol = 2)
#> 2024-05-09 15:13:03.071764 loading file /github/home/.cache/R/BiocFileCache/c306ef1eb68_Human_DLPFC_Visium_processedData_sce_scran_spatialLIBD.Rdata%3Fdl%3D1